Solihull support group
Hi is there support group in the Solihull area? I've lost both both parents in 5 months to cancer and would like to chat to other people who have lost people close to them ....
Hi is there support group in the Solihull area? I've lost both both parents in 5 months to cancer and would like to chat to other people who have lost people close to them ....
I thought I was doing well but today I can't bring myself to face anyone it is 8 week's since I lost my dad. I'm trying to be strong but am struggling today and I'm not being a very nice person to anyone I feel guilty and angry and I'm ....
Hello everyone, My dad died 12/12/16.A date that will be imprinted in my heart and mind forever. He was very poorly from May last year, but somehow we never truly were ready for those stomach renching words " passed away". I was "Daddies Girl" even though I'm a married 54 ....
Hello, i recently lost my friend and I'm finding it difficult to cope. X ....
hi not to sure if i am doing the right thing or not but time will tell i have lost my wife to cancer recently and finding it very difficult to come to terms with i was very close to my wife and can t find the answsers i need ....
When my soul mate husband left me we buried him in our woods next to the house which is lovely to visit, and where he was so happy with chainsaw in hand. It is my sons 30 birthday and he just wants to have a pint with his Dad. Does anyone ....
Hi everyone,I'm posting on here as I feel so very low and vunerable so anxious and stressed . I lost my mum to cancer in may this year she was diagonoised in feb this year. I lived with mum and we were peas in a pod you could not get ....
Hi everybody,I've joined this forum as a last resort. My Mum (my best friend) died at the start of January, and I'm struggling to cope. I don't relate to anyone any more, and just shut myself away from the world. I have two kids, and am doing my best to ....
After two weeks of being looked after by family and my husbands funeral on Friday I have arrived home today. I know it's early days but I feel so so alone. Everywhere I look there are reminders which are both comforting and painful. My husband had multiple myeloma since 2005, ....
My husband died at the end of January following post op complications after an op for bladder cancer.It was quite sudden and we were all in shock initially. I am coping with the practicalities, with help. but this dreadful feeling of sadness and being alone still overwhelms me when I ....