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  • Losing dad



    4 replies

    I thought I was doing well but today I can't bring myself to face anyone it is 8 week's since I lost my dad. I'm trying to be strong but am struggling today and I'm not being a very nice person to anyone I feel guilty and angry and I'm a rubbish mum at the moment. I can't see past this.

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  • Debs

    Hi Fiona, You are not alone.People are probably looking at me thinking I'm doing okay, but actually my heart constantly aches, and I see my dad everywhere, and in everything I say or do. I cannot imagine the rest of my life without hearing or seeing him, but I have to for my mum and brothers sake. If it helps please keep in touch.

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  • Fiona78

    Thank you. Im trying to be strong for my mum and sister it's so hard isn't it. Life without him seems impossible and I'm so unhappy at the moment x

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  • Debs

    Here I go then, off to work, dreading walking in, which is so hard every day just pushing myself to go in.Have to work, but I just want to be reminising about dad. Like you I feel very low and subdued. Have the best day you can, One day at a time.💟

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  • Fiona78

    Have a good day or try xxx I'm not going in today I've had a bad few days. Speak to you soon x

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