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Frequently Asked Questions

Signing up to the Community

Posting on the Community

My profile

Private messages

General queries

Signing up to the Community

How do I register as a new community member?

You can sign up by clicking on the register link in the top right hand corner of the page.

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When will I get my verification email?

We'll send this to you within 20 minutes of signing up. You just need to click on the link in the email to confirm that you're you and you'll be able to login to the Community. If you don't receive your verification email, check the spam folder in your email account and if it's not there please get in touch at

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What will you do with my information?

We're committed to protecting your privacy online so we'll keep it confidential and only use it to help us give you access to the Community. You can read our full privacy policy here.

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Posting on the Community

How do I start a new thread?

Find the section of the community that best suits the question you're asking or conversation you want to start, for example a question about state benefits for carers would go in our Being there for someone section while a question about Wills would fit in the Practical and legal matters section. Also check to see if there's an existing conversation on that topic and, if there is, think about replying to that instead of starting a new thread.

Click on the relevant section link and then click on the ‘New discussion' button. When choosing a title for the your thread, try to be as descriptive as possible and avoid generic titles like 'Help' or 'Question'. This will help you get a better response.

Then write your post in the comment box and click ‘Create DiscussionReply' to publish it to the Community.

Don't worry if you don't get a reply immediately, it can take up 24 hours to get a reply sometimes.

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How do I reply to an existing thread?

Make sure you're logged in, click on the thread you want to reply on, scroll to the bottom, add your comment in the comment box and press 'Reply'.

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I've made a mistake. How do I edit my post?

Simply find your post, click on the ‘Edit' button and make any changes you need to, and then click on the ‘Edit' button to save your edited post.

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How do I add a picture to my post?

If you have the picture saved on the internet (for example on Facebook or an image hosting site like all you need is the image's web address which you can get by right clicking on it and either selecting ‘Properties', ‘Copy image URL' or ‘Copy image location' depending on the web browser you're using.

In your post, click on the 'Insert an image' button and copy your image's web address into the ‘URL' box and press the ‘Insert' button.

If you don't have your image posted on the internet yet you'll need to upload it somewhere before you can use it on the Community. We recommend you use an image hosting service like imgur for this.

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How do I add a video to my post?

Right click on the web address of the video you want to post and select copy. Then in the reply box for your post click the YouTube button and cut and paste the link to the video into pop up and click 'Insert' and you'll see the video appear in your post .

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My profile

What should I write about myself here?

This is a space to tell us a little bit about yourself and the reasons you've come to the Community. You can write as much or as little as you like. But please don't include your real name, address, phone number, email address or anything else that could be used to identify you.

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How do I change my profile picture?

Go to the control panel and either select one of our avatars or upload your own by clicking on the ‘Choose file' button. Once that's done press ‘Save changes'.

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How do I change my email address?

Go to the control panel and then click on ‘Change email", fill in your new email address and click "Change email address" to save.

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How do I change my username?

Please contact the Community Moderation team at to request this.

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Private messages

What is a private message?

These are messages between yourself and another person on the forum that aren't public. Although please note the moderation team do have access to these if we need to check for breaches of our Community guidelines.

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How do I find my private messages?

Click on the number in the orange circle in the top right hand corner of the Community and that will take you to your messages.

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How do I know if I've got a private message?

You'll see a number pop up in the orange circle at the top of the page telling you how many messages you have waiting. The Community will also send you an email to let you know you've got a private message as well.

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How do I send a private message?

Just click on the username of the person you want to message and then click ‘Private message' on their profile screen.

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How do I stop email notifications?

Click on the control panel link when you're logged in then go to the settings tab. Then select which notifications you want to keep with ‘Yes' and click ‘Save Preferences'.

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General queries

What do I do if someone has broken the Community guidelines?

If you think someone has broken the Community guidelines contact the Community Moderation team by clicking on the ‘Report this post' button on each post. Then just ignore that post and let us handle things from there. You can report a user directly as well using the ‘Report' button on their profile page. Finally you can also contact us directly at

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Help – I'm having problems getting onto the Community or have another technical issue with it.

Please email us at with as much detail as possible about what's going wrong as possible and we'll try our best to help.

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How do I contact the Community Moderation team?

You can email us at

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Help – I've got a question that isn't covered in the FAQs.

Post a message in our Community guide section and we'll do our best to answer. Or if you want to ask us the question directly just email us at

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