Shazza18 6 years ago
6 replies
My lovely partner died 8 weeks ago and I'm struggling to cope without her, I can't believe it, les was my world, my life, and now my life as gone, I can't wait to be with her, the pain is so unbearable without her,
Shazza18 6 years ago
6 replies
My lovely partner died 8 weeks ago and I'm struggling to cope without her, I can't believe it, les was my world, my life, and now my life as gone, I can't wait to be with her, the pain is so unbearable without her,
Samantha 6 years ago
Hello Shazza18,
We’re sorry to read about the recent loss of your partner
Les, and to hear how you’re feeling.
You mention in your post that your life has now gone and that
you can’t wait to be with Les, are you worried that you are experiencing suicidal
feelings? Grief can be very complex and produce with it powerful emotions
however it’s important that if you’re feeling suicidal to reach out and access
support from those who can help support you.
We’re aware that Mind have information and fact sheets on
their website about suicidal thoughts and feelings, which you may find of
interest here: .
Many people tell us that talking about how they’re feeling
can be a helpful experience, what type of support are you getting at present?
Have you discussed how you’re feeling with your GP or any other professional?
We hope that others on this community will be able to share
their experiences around grief and offer support to you too
Take care,
Sam – Support Line Officer
Shazza18 6 years ago
I've always been suicidal since she died, doctors just keep giving me tablets, to help with the grief, the doctor say u don't want to die how do they know how I feel about losing her,
Samantha 6 years ago
Hi Shazza18,
Thank you for coming back to us so quickly, we’re sorry to
read about the impact the loss of your partner has had on how you’re feeling.
Here at Marie Curie, unfortunately we’re not specialists when
it comes to suicidal thoughts or feelings but we would like to provide you with
information around how to get help in an emergency and detail support
organisations and professionals that you may find it appropriate to talk to.
If you don't feel you can keep yourself safe right now, seek
immediate help. You can:
If you need some support right now, but don't want to go to
A&E, here are some other options for you to try:
Shazza18 6 years ago
Im always ringing samaratins, sane line, macmillan
Shazza18 6 years ago
The gp has given me some new tablets to take even though I still have suicidal thoughts
There are a range of ways we can help you, from clear, useful information about living with a terminal illness to expert nursing care in your home.