Rach 6 years ago
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Edited by Rach 6 years ago
In November we found out my mum who is 53 has ovarian cancer, she had chemo up until the start of this month and took very ill and ended up staying in hopsital a few times with low immunity and abdominal pain, her cancer had spread to her diaphragm and her omentum, she was due to get scan last saturday but because she ended up in hospital last week with extreme pain she had the CT done last Wednesday, we found out last thursday that her cancer has spread even further and the chemo was not working, she has been put on a syringe driver to keep her comfortable and been told she only has a few months, I dont know how to cope I have bad anxiety and I just keep getting panic attacks and emotional breakdowns I'm 27 and I just cant believe this is happening it feels like this is all a dream then I'm hit with reality , hospice nurses and district nurse are coming out twice a day to see her, she is so fragile and just looks exhausted I feel so helpless my heart is broken and I dont know how I'm going to cope without my mum, she is going to miss out on so many things in my life and my sisters lives it makes me sick to even think about losing her , I have support from my boyfriend and friends but it just feels like I'm emotionally unattached and all I can think about is my mum dying , I just dont want to see her suffer and be in pain it breaks my heart , she is so young and beautiful cancer has just stole her and I cant even imagine how difficult it is for her, we are a very close family and I still live at home with my mum dad and one of my sisters it's so hard to watch someone you love so much die