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Please tell us what to expect, and don’t leave anything out ....
Hi, my Mum has been on a long battle with melanoma (3 years) and she also has a lung cancer. She’s had immune therapy, which caused all her melanoma tumours to shrink and halved her lung cancer. But before we’d even had time to celebrate, it mutated and came back. ....
Hi I'm new. My Mother In law was unexpectedly diagnosed Easter 2017 with Brain cancer. We then went on to find out that it was terminal secondary cancer. She had the tumour removed and then followed on with radiotherapy, which then followed onto chemo as the tumour was in her ....
I am a carer for my partner of 14 years diagnosed 3 years ago with advanced metastatic renal cancer with involvements in liver and lungs.Two months ago we were advised that he had a lesion in the front right lobe of the brain.Too add to that he has torn his ....
HelloI am new to the board. I am not sure whether I should be here. I lost my Dad six months ago (it wasn't cancer, it was a stroke) and my mum three years ago to breast cancer. I am not doing so well. I feel sad and unhappy most ....
Hi, I am wondering if you can help, even just an understanding ear. Sadly my dad, Ben was diagnosed with terminal oesophageal cancer in July and given approx 6 months to live. He lives on his own in Dewsbury so I have left my husband and family behind in the ....
Two weeks ago my dad was told he’s terminally ill with liver cancer I’ve been strong up to this point now I’m the weakest link I can’t stop crying the thought of loosing him is breaking my heart I’m feeling selfish as he’s the one who’s got to leave us ....
My husband of 50yrs was diagnosed a week ago with terminal cancer I haven't a lot of family no one who can help and I am not able to cope He always was my rock ....
My dad has just been diagnosed with liver cancer. His tumour is 13cm and we have just been told there is nothing they can do for him other than offer palliative chemotherapy. They have also advised that he needs to consider if he wants to take the chemotherapy as this ....
My son has been diagnosed with terminal cancer he started with testicular and went through chemo the first didn't work so they gave him a stronger dose and it seems to have worked he got married in June and went for his scan in October to be told that it ....