LauraCW 3 days ago
6 replies
Good morning,
With World Book Day upon us we at the Marie Curie Online Community Team thought it might be interesting to have a discussion about what books have helped us on our grieving journey.
For me two stand out:
You Are Not Alone by Cariad Lloyd- I am a huge fan of Cariad’s podcast ‘Griefcast’ and her book is full of the same raw honesty. It follows her own experience of losing her dad to cancer at the age of 15 and also demystifies certain myths around grief theory.
I found it really accessible and empathetic and there is also humour in there.
I Promise It Won’t Hurt Like This by Clare Mackintosh- Again this is inspired by Clare’s own personal experience of losing a child. It is very hard to read at times but extremely moving and I liked the way she broke it down into 18 promises. It is both realistic and reassuring.
We would love to hear some of your personal recommendations if you are happy to share.
Many thanks,
Laura, Volunteer for Marie Curie Online Community Team