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    3 replies

    My father has recent diagnosis of small cell lung cancer which is also in lymph nodes. We have oncology appointment tomorrow to discuss chemo but he is really confused and aggitated. Has anyone experienced severe confusion from cancer and how do you deal with it. My mum is in her 70s and cannot cope with the level of confusion he has. Is support for that something that Mrie Curie can help with. Newbie to this so apologies if these are stupid questions. 😢

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  • Bonnie

    Hello Cdk1204,


    Welcome to our online community, thank you for sharing your family’s personal situation with us and others. Please don’t apologise, there are no stupid questions here. We’re sorry to read about your father’s recent diagnosis and all that you are going through as a family.


    It can be normal for an illness to affect people in different ways. You mentioned that your father has an appointment with an oncologist today. If the appointment has now taken place, we hope it went as well as it could have. If it is due to take place later today, we hope you get the opportunity to discuss your concerns about your father feeling confused and agitated should you feel comfortable to do so.


    Here on the Support Line we can provide information and a listening ear to anyone that needs to talk, you can reach us by calling Freephone 0800 090 2309. We also have Support Line Nurses that you could speak to who may be able to provide information on the issues you have mentioned. You can read more about our Support Line services and opening hours here: . If you would like to find out more about the other services that we offer as a charity, you can do so here: .


    We hope this information will be of use to you all, and that others here on the community will share with you their own personal experiences about what has helped them to cope with a loved one’s symptoms.


    Take care,


    Bonnie - Support Line Team

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  • Cdk1204

    Thanks Bonnie, we had appointment today already and news was not positive unfortunately. We just need to make time left as comfortable as possible. Thankyou for the support line details.

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  • Bonnie

    Hello Cdk1204,


    We’re sorry to read that the news you received at the appointment yesterday wasn’t as positive as what you were hoping for.


    Our Support Line is here to offer a listening ear if you or your family would like to talk about anything. Please feel free to continue talking to us and others here on the community, or by calling our Freephone Support Line number above as often as you feel you need to.


    Take care,


    Bonnie - Support Line Team

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