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    1 reply

    I am married from 2 years...I have stopped my career cause I want to have a baby.But recently got to know that I have a thyroid problem.And have to go threw the treatment.felling so I have no purpose now...haven't tell my family yet...tell me what to do

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  • David

    Hi Funny, we are sorry to read about your recent diagnosis of a thyroid problem. Illness, and the treatment needed to help, can cause all sorts of worries and even leave you feeling hopeless at times. It sounds like you are really struggling. Could you tell me more about your situation? You mentioned talking to your family, what are your concerns about talking to them? Is there anybody close to you who you feel able to talk to about things?


    At the support line we are here to offer information and emotional support. If you feel like we can help at all. Please give us a call on 0800 090 2309 or via webchat on the Marie Curie Website. We are available between 8am-6pm Monday to Friday and 11am-5pm on Saturdays.


    Best wishes,


    David – Marie Curie Support Line Officer

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