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    1 reply

    Hi, my dad was recently sent home from hospital. He has his stomach removed due to cancer. He cannot eat as everything makes him 'gag' and he is not taking his medication either. He needs 24 hour nursing care from someone who knows what to do. His name is down for the hospice but unfortunately there are others before him. Please can someone advise me of what I can do. He is so weak he cannot walk or stand. I am struggling to life him and can barely get him up to use the comode. Hope someone replies soon. 

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  • MarkWilkin

    Edited by MarkWilkin 10 years ago

    I'm sorry to hear that your father is having all these problems. The best people to talk to about this are your local GP or your district nurse as they're the people who can reassess your fathers condition if it's worsened and if you're having problems helping him. They're also the people who can arrange for other help like our visiting nurses to support you and in some cases that sort of care is available 24hrs in the home.

    Carers UK also have a helpline on 0808 808 777 (open 10am-4pm) and they'll be able to talk to you about your options for getting help as well. We also have some advice on how you can get support as a carer that you might find useful.

    Hope that helps

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