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  • Carer’s rights to work from home - any advice?



    1 reply

    Edited by JaneyF 2 years ago

    Does anyone know if the carer of someone with a terminal illness has the right to work from home? I am in this situation and have successfully worked from home since the first Lockdown. My employer wants to me to start coming back into the office but I want to wfh and look after my husband. Do you know if I have the right to continue working from home or does my employer have the right to insist on me coming back into the office?

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  • David

    Hi JaneyF,


    Welcome to the Marie Curie Community. We’re sorry to hear about your husband’s diagnosis and understand you’re trying to find out more about your rights regarding home working.


    It may be helpful to begin by checking your contract or staff handbook to see if there are any policies in place which cover this. Is your employer aware of your caring responsibilities? Have you talked to them about your wishes to stay at home and the reasons for this?


    You have the right to request flexible working, such as working from home, if you’ve been with your employer for 26 continuous weeks. To make a formal request, you would need to put this in writing – what’s called a ‘statutory application’. Your employer has the right to decline this request but they would be required to explain their decision if it is turned down.


    You’ll find more information on our website about this at:


    There is also a page provided by Citizens Advice with further information:


    You can also contact ACAS if you’re looking for legal advice on your rights at work:


    If you want to discuss any of this with our Support Line team, we are available on Freephone 0800 090 2309, or though webchat at


    Take care,


    David – Support Line Officer

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