Duckyducky 10 years ago
2 replies
Good morning everybody.
Our family carries a faulty genetic gene. Our mum has now started with symptoms. My sister and I carry this gene too. So just a matter of time.
Our mum lives on her own about 20 miles away from us. She is almost at the stage where she can no longer live on her own. She has a council bungalow. I don't have a clue where to go for help.
Desperately want her to be moved nearer to us. That way we can be with her everyday. How do I sort this out?
Any help and advice will be so gratefully received. I feel like I'm drowning in everything. She is getting more and more depressed. She had to watch her sister die from this so she knows what's to come.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Xxx