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  • What is your most meaningful day of commemoration?



    3 replies

    Hello all,

    I* have recently been thinking about public days of remembrance, commemoration, or other significance to the bereaved community. In mainland Europe these often concentrate on autumn/November, quite separate from the holiday period afterwards, and I have not found much meaning for myself in them.

    But there are other days - whether official or not - that I like to take as an invitation to pause, feel, think, and remember, for example Marie Curie's Day of Reflection during the height of the daffodil season.

    So I would like to know: are there any days in the calendar, in the UK or imported by you from abroad, public or personal, that give you time to reflect and some solace? I really look forward to hearing about your experiences!

    Take care,

    💛 Anke, a member of the Marie Curie Online Community Team

    * I am a relatively new volunteer with an international background (see my introduction if you like).

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  • Daffodil

    Dear readers,

    today is World Cancer Day, so if you or a loved one have been diagnosed with cancer, or if you have lost someone to cancer - like I did - today is a day that may be meaningful to you.

    This year I am going to take the opportunity to check in with some friends who have been affected by cancer in one way or another. I will also take a few quiet moments with a cup of tea to remember those of my friends and family who are no longer with us.

    Are you marking today in any way? If so, I would like to invite you to share your thoughts here. They may help or inspire some other readers, today - or in months or years to come.

    Take good care of yourselves.

    💛 Anke, a Member of the Marie Curie Online Community Team

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  • LauraCW

    Hi Anke,

    Many thanks for this.

    I hope you found the day okay and were able to have some quiet reflection. 

    I have to be honest I find World Cancer Day very challenging. 4th Feb also happens to be my youngest daughters birthday and it was the day after she was born that we received my Mums terminal diagnosis so it all seems horribly ironic.

    For me the 4th Feb is about concentrating on my daughter and finding my own way of thinking about my Mum and how much she loved being a grandmother. 

    Hope that makes sense.

    Warmest wishes,

    Laura a member of the Marie Curie Online Community Team 

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  • Daffodil

    Dear Laura,

    I am so sorry that the 4th of February is such a complex day with sad memories for you - it must seem really ironic that your mum's diagnosis and your youngest daughter's birthday are now connected with the day. It sounds like you and your daughter have found a way to support each other on the day and focus on remembering your mum as a mother and grandmother.

    Thank you so much for sharing your experiences, and thank you for volunteering on this forum. I am sure readers will find echoes of their own experiences and some solace in your words. Please know that as much as you are here for others, we - and the helpline - are here whenever you would like to talk.

    Warmest wishes,

    Anke, a member of the Marie Curie Online Community Team.

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