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  • Terminal



    3 replies

    Diagnosed few weeks ago terminal , don’t know what to do , still in shock

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  • Enzo


    I am in the same position 

    Everything is uncertain now, frightening and appears everything is more difficult 

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  • Kenn


    Sorry to hear you are in the same possible , it is horrible, i have lost the ability to focus on anything with the underlying uncertainty .

    The state the NHS makes thing even more difficult but as u said everything is more difficult 

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  • Enzo


    I agree on the NHS, I even had to force the conversation with the consultant as they all seemed reluctant to mention that it’s terminal and in my case, I felt like they were trying different medication on me to see if any improvements could be made. I made a point stating that I would prefer to know earlier. Your then sent home and have to start dealing with everything, when well was hard enough. We paid our NI from the moment we worked, a little help and compassion would go a long way, especially as this is the time of life we should be able to enjoy.

    Stay strong my friend and deal with each day as it comes.

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