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    1 reply

    Hi everyone we are new to the site. We live in south Wales and our mum has cancer of the brain. Our district nurse has arranged Marie curie to  very kindly come and sit with mum this Sunday evening but mum doesn't want a sitter at night. Myself and my brother didn't take the call and mum forgot to tell us about until now. So we are trying to cancel the sitter for tomorrow evening. 

    Anyone know how we do this please?

    Sorry but we are all new to this so are slightly unsure what we need to do.

    Thanks loads and warm wishes Emma

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  • MarkWilkin

    Hi we send everyone who's referred to our nurses a support pack which has a contact number for the nurses and other useful information, but it sounds like that hasn't got to you yet.

    I'll send you a private message with the number and details so you've got them.


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