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    4 replies

    Hi, I'm new here and a little anxious about posting... but I really feel I need some support now, as well as in the future...

    In 2021 my mum was diagnosed with soft tissue sarcoma in her leg and had an amputation shortly after to get rid of the cancer in her leg. In 2022 my mum was diagnosed with stomach cancer which spread to her bowel and other organs as well as the lympth nodes under her arms. Unfortunately mums cancer is inoperable and a month ago was given 9 to 12 months left of life with palliative chemotherapy. This has obviously impacted us all. Mum has been in an out of hospital with various infections, ascites and other medical complications. 

    The future seems very scary right now. I'm hoping that being on here with everyone who is going through this or is in a similar situation to me will help me feel less alone and less scared. I'm trying to cope and not let my family see me upset... my mum has always been the rock and glue in my family and I'm trying to show her that I wont fall apart... even though I feel a part of me is dying with her.

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  • David

    Hi MrsTeaPea,


    Welcome to the Marie Curie Community and we’re sorry to hear about your mum’s diagnosis. When a loved one is affected by a terminal condition, it brings so many powerful emotions and the future can seem very scary. It sounds like a difficult time for you, trying to cope with everything that’s happening with your mum.


    Parents are people we turn to for a sense of stability in life and it sounds like your mum is that source of strength for the family. She sounds like a special person. It takes a lot of courage to talk about the things that scare us, so thank you for sharing your situation and having the courage to post here – hopefully others can relate to their own experiences and help reassure you that you’re not alone.  


    I also want to let you know that the Support Line is available, whenever you have questions or just need a friendly listening ear. You can speak with us on Freephone 0800 090 2309 or through webchat at


    Take care,


    David – Support Line Officer  

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  • Paintbrush

    YouTube Wim Hof Method, I’ve got incurable MPN Blood cancer and Wim hof method has helped more than chemo. It’s vital you see mum as living while she is alive rather than seeing her as “dying”; that way you’ll both make more wonderful memories. 🦋

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  • David

    Hi Paintbrush, welcome to the Marie Curie community and we’re sorry to read about your diagnosis.  It sounds like you’ve found a helpful technique for your situation. Everyone is different and it may be useful to get medical advice from a healthcare professional when thinking about new ways of managing a terminal condition.

    We also have information on our website about living with a terminal illness at

    Although everyone is unique when it comes to their own personal priorities, making memories is important for lots of people and we often hear how precious that time spent together with loved ones is. If you ever need information or a safe space to talk, our national Support Line is here to help, and you’re welcome to share more here on the Marie Curie community.

    Take care,

    David - Support Line Officer

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  • Paintbrush

    You’re absolutely right David. My cancer is incurable and I’ve got away with it for 12 years now…. For those receiving end of life prognosis and care; Hope is Everything, I was told by Doctors, I couldnt walk up the Torr, I did and it’s one of my warmest memories, as was flying to Spain “one last time” against doctors orders. Is following disclaimers still more important than a human beings right to make their own choices? Seriously have a walk in my shoes just one mile then let me know. You’re doing an amazing job by the way David. Thank you. 💜🙏🦋🏅

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