Lyn603 10 years ago
3 replies
Edited by Lyn603 10 years ago
Hi on Thursday morning my family was taken into a room and told that my grandad had secondary liver cancer and could expect to live six months maximum. He was then pretty much left to the nurses as the only medical option he was given was pain relief. He was then allowed home on Friday although he has to go back in for a biopsy on his liver on Friday, even though they are certain it's terminal cancer which started in his pancreas and is also in his lungs. The thing is that they told us this devastating news and he has barely spoken since and we don't really know whether to talk about it with him yet or let it sink really disappointed that we got absolutely no counselling in the hospital, nobody came to check how he was dealing with this life changing news. When can we expect to have some contact from a cancer nurse?