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  • Mum has lung cancer, should we tell her?



    1 reply

    Mum is 92 years of age, and up untill recently very good health. Very independent and still doing own washing, shopping etc. As a family we decided not to tell her about the cancer. Just not sure now if we should tell her. Any thoughts please.

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  • Support

    Hi Jann,


    It sounds as though telling your mum about the cancer has been a difficult decision to make as a family. Often, decisions like these can be based on a number of different factors, such as the situation itself, the likely reactions of others, or a feeling of protectiveness.


    Talking to others about how you're feeling - a friend, the Support Line, a counsellor or family- may help you deal with your emotions and the impact that this situation is having on your life. We have lots of information here that may help you know what to expect: http://


    If you would like to talk to us on the Support Line we are here Monday- Friday from 08:00am - 18:00pm T. 0800 090 2309


    Best Wishes




    Marie Curie Support Line

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