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  • Losing my mum



    1 reply

    Mum was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer 8 months ago, with the help of St.lukes hospice one response team and Marie curie nurses we wouldn't of coped, we had them for 7 months up until the day mum passed 28th March 2024. She died in the hospice where she wanted to go, luckily for us we were there for her final breath and us saying we love her and her reply was she loved us too. Now the funeral is approaching on 22nd April I'm not coping very well, keep crying unexpectedly, just keep thinking she is all alone 

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  • Hannah11

    Hi Carron64, 

    Welcome to the Marie Curie Online Community. I'm sorry to hear about your mother and all that you experienced. 

    Thank you for sharing your kind words about the support you received. 

    Grieving can be painful, it can come with some very powerful emotions which can be difficult to cope with. Many people share that in the earlier days of grief, it can feel very tumultuous and overwhelming. 

    Some also share that when they have attended a funeral or a service where they are able to say their "final" goodbye to a loved one, their grief may change and take on a different form which can be easier to handle. 

    Others find it helpful to talk about how they are feeling and what they have experienced. You are welcome to do that here or with one of our Support Line Officers on Freephone 0800 090 2309.

    Take care,

    Hannah - Support Line Officer.  

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