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  • Looking for some grief counselling



    1 reply

    Hi I am new on here I lost my husband just over 2 years ago he was only aged 39 and I am finding now is the right time to want to talk about what has happened as I feel like it is hitting me now and I wanting to see a grief counsellor. I have been to my GP but the waiting time sadly is several months to see a counsellor but it is now I need the support. Being a single mum only working part time I can't afford to pay to see a private counsellor and was wondering if Marie Curie have grief counsellors that I can access or if you could sign post me somewhere to get help I am in Manchester area. Any help is appreciated thanks

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  • Samantha

    Hello Chez1974


    I’m sorry to read about the loss of your husband. As grief is unique to us all, it can be difficult but important to recognise when the time is right to reach out for support.


    You mention that you feel now is the right time for you to talk which is a positive step to take. Whilst we aren’t trained counsellors here on the Support Line, we are here to offer a listening ear if you feel this would be beneficial. You can reach us on Freephone 0800 090 2309 or through our online community here. Can I please ask if your husband ever received any support from a local hospice? This could have been at one of our own hospices or at another local hospice?


    Unfortunately, we are aware that there can be waiting times to access counselling support which often vary depending on the area you live and the level of demand for this service. We feature information on our website about other routes to access this support that you may wish to consider here:


    You also mention that you work part time, we are aware that many companies run an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) which normally includes access to counselling support. If you feel comfortable to do so, you could ask your manager or human resources department for information about this if it’s available to you.


    If you weren’t already aware, there is a charity called Cruse who offer a range of bereavement services which can include face to face support. For more information about this including contact details for your local service, you can visit their website here:


    It’s important to know that you don’t have to go through bereavement alone and hopefully others here on the community will offer their support and share with you what has helped them.


    Take care,


    Sam – Support Line Team


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