grumpywelshman 11 years ago
3 replies
Edited by admin 9 years ago
Hi Community,
So I wonder if some on on here can help me. I've searched on Google for "A list of terminal illnesses" and how would you define a terminal illness. But nothing much is there. Is this because people don't want to be labeled and/or defined as such or is there a medical 'grey' area of how illnesses/conditions defined?
I know that the DWP ( Department for work and pensions) and Wikipedia define a terminal illness as:-
"'re terminally ill if you have an illness that is getting worse and you're likely to die within six months." this is for the purposes of claiming PIP (Personal Independence Payment)"
"Terminal illness is a disease that cannot be cured or adequately treated and that is reasonably expected to result in the death of the patient within a short period of time"