admin 7 months ago
1 reply
Thursday 1st February is run by Mind and Rethink Mental Illness, in partnership with Co-op. Time to Talk Day
Today is all about creating supportive communities by having conversations about mental health. We all have mental health and by talking about it we can support ourselves and others. Sometimes it’s easier to tell people we’re ‘fine’ than it is to say how we really feel. So today we’re asking, how are you really?
Our Online Community is a safe space for you to share how you’re feeling and what you’re going through. If you feel able to, please share how you’re feeling below or feel free to join one of our threads on the home screen to get the conversation started. You’re welcome to share as much or as little as you like. Sometimes, knowing that someone is there is all you may need.
If you need support
If you feel you need help or advice with your mental health, the following organisations are there to support you:
- Mind - 0300 123 3393,
- Rethink Mental Illness - 0808 801 0525,
- Scottish Acton for Mental Health - 0344 800 0550,
- Inspire - 0808 189 0036,
We look forward to chatting with you and hearing about how you’re really doing.
Let’s grab a coffee and start the conversation here on this #TimetoTalkDay
Marie Curie Online Community Team