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    5 replies


    I am an older gay man whose husband (together 31 years) is dying from Ideopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.

    I feel like our whole life has collapsed in on itself. His health is deteriorating rapidly before my eyes and my heart is broken.

    I would like to chat on this website with other people in similar situations - because I can communicate without my husband overhearing and getting upset.

    I have tried to find support from IPF and lgbt organisations without much success so far.

    I feel very isolated and overwhelmed. I feel it most at night when I get panic attacks and can’t sleep.

    I have read about some other people’s difficult situations on here so I know I am not alone.

    Thanks for reading Ned

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  • Hannah11

    Edited by Hannah11 4 months ago

    Hi Ned, 

    Welcome to our Online Community and thank you for sharing with us all today. 

    I'm sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis and how you are feeling. 

    It can be incredibly hard seeing a loved one deteriorate and change. Sharing what we are going through with our loved ones can be tough too. I hope that others will read your post and be able to offer you some support. 

    You may find that Samaritans or Silverline (which is for over 55s) will be able to offer you a listening ear during those tough evenings/nights as they are open 24/7. 

    Our Support Line is also here for you too on Freephone 0800 090 2309 if you would ever like to talk. 

    Take care, 

    Hannah - Support Line Officer. 

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  • Ned62

    Thank you Hannah.

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  • Silentangel1950

    hello Ned,  I know how distressing it is to watch a love one deteriorate before your eyes . I was married for 30yrs , but we were together for 33 yrs . he had  severe copd and was on oxygen 24/7 . he died on may 18th this year . but before easter he went down hill fast in and out of hospital . he caught covid while he was in hospital recovered from that only to get pnumonia , which he didnt have the strength to fight off . I knew the end was coming but it didnt make it any easier when the end came . I have suffered panic attacks and anxiety attacks threw the night which is scary . I live alone now with my little dog , but I am lucky to have my daughter who lives at the top of my street . she keeps a eye on me as I am 73 yrs old . I dont think I will ever get over losing my soul mate , my best friend , my husband . I hope you find comfort ,and support with this online support group . It helps alittle for me , I know I can chat on here to people who are having to cope with similar situations I have been in and now find my self in . kind regards 

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  • Ned62

    Thank you very much for your kind words. It is good to read your daughter is close by for you.

    Respect x

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  • admin

    Thank you ever so much for sharing your situation with Ned62, Silentangel1950. 

    We're so pleased that this online support group is helping a little. Please feel free to post on our Online Community as often as you like, hopefully others will see your posts and join in on the conversation too 💛

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