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    1 reply

    Is it right that only one person can visit a dying relative in a care home? As next of kin my mum has decided it's her who gets to be with my nanna. But me and my nanna are closer than my mum is and I've visited her several times a week while she's been in the home yet she's been given hours or a day to live and I'm not aloud go to say goodbye? This seems wrong and will affect me mentally for the rest of my life. I've spoken to the home managers and the directors and they both said I can't go.

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  • Hannah11

    Edited by Hannah11 5 years ago

    Hi Littlesam,

    Welcome to Marie Curie's Online Community. I'm sorry to hear about all you are experiencing at the moment. There unfortunately aren't any set Government guidelines around who can or can't visit a loved one in their final moments. 

    It's very much a decision that a care home have the freedom to make due to what they think would be best for their individual organisation. Are you able to use video calling to say goodbye to your nanna if you are unable to do so in person? 

    We're here for you if you need us. 

    Hannah - Support Line Officer

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