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    1 reply

    Edited by mandie 9 years ago

    My Two grown up children 19 and 22 recently been told there father has kidney cancer in both kidneys. But we have not been told how his treatment etc is going as he never told us excatly what was going on, and found out yesterday his been rushed in hospital again, im not very good at explaining :( I need to be there for my children but we are never told how every think is, all I no is it doesnt seem good, if only we new then we could all talk about it, he didnt want any think to do with them growing up but just over a year ago they would travel up and visit him so there just getting to no him,my son is so angry at the moment and I feel a bit lost with this all at the moment I asked him to promise me one thing is to keep us informed but we no nothing, which is making this harder xxxx

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  • Support

    Edited by Support 9 years ago

    Hi Mandie,


    Family situations can be very diverse and complicated. It sounds as though your children are finding it it is difficult to come to terms with their father’s illness as they do not know what the future holds.There are many reasons why people choose not to tell others how their illness is progressing - this can include  denial,fear,difficulty coping and worry about the reactions in others.We have a booklet that may be helpful to your children's father it includes details about coping and talking to friends and family. Many people tell us that it can be helpful to talk, whether that is to other family members, friends or a Helpline like ourselves.


    If you, or the children, would like to talk about things in more detail please call our Free phone Support Line on 0800 090 2309, or drop us a line via Web Chat:


    Best Wishes



    Marie Curie Support Line.

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