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    5 replies

    Hello all , new member. Sometimes just need to get things of my chest so though I would try to connect with people who may understand, sorry will understand.

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  • ninasnuggsey

    Hi everyone. Having lost my Dad to cancer in 2012,my mum is now going through this &iim unsure who can help

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  • W3ndyw00

    Hello ,I can't help but I'm going through the same we lost dad 4 yrs ago in 3 months and now the same with mum told she has weeks after thinking she had chest infection,I like you am bewildeded by it all,I don't know what signs to look for to try and make sure she's not alone,she is on morphine and stares into space all the time,at what stage is your mum 

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  • Julio16

    Hello All, I'm new to this, my mom has cancer, started from breast cancer now got bone mets, liver mets, she is sleeping 23 hours a day got no interest in anything and getting very confused, thinks I'm her mom, I live with my mom so I'm the main carer, but just hanging on to working too. This is so hard because I feel like I'm leaving a baby at home alone, even though I have carers coming  in and a rota of friends. She crystal for me, I'm getting a couple of hours sleep a night.

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  • MarkWilkin

    Hi Julio16 I sorry to hear it so hard at the moment. Can I ask if you've got any nurses coming in to help you overnight as that's something Marie Curie nurses can help with? You can ask your GP and they can refer you to us. Also I'd recommend taking a look at our page on getting support as a carer as there's a lot of good suggestions on looking after yourself in there.

    Hope that helps

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  • Julio16

    Hello Mark, our hospice nurse at home is setting this up for me, my mom has been fitted with a syringe driver this afternoon. Very agitated last night, don't know where her strength came from! 

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