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  • amber

    Hello shasbo so so sorry for your loss. I lost my husband four weeks ago. It hurts so much. Having a wonderful family to lean on helps. But sometimes probably like you sharing your feelings with them is so hard so I too have been trying to find help. I am going to give it a try on this community and maybe we can all help each other. Are you taking one day at a time hope that doesn't sound patronizing . Because looking too far ahead scares me. I have decided to set myself goals just little ones each day. Probably sounds a bit daft but it makes me feel I have achieved something

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  • Sarahsjp

    Hi I lost the love if my life if the 5th of November  to cancer a 6 week battle from diagnosis to him passing I think im still in utter shock as he seemed so fit and healthy working 6 days a week with no symptoms ..everyday seems harder rather than easier ..I just can't see beyond each day that comes ..take care all I am new to the group .,Sarah x

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  • Support

    Hi Sarah,


    I am so sorry to read about the recent death of the love of your life. Your grief is very new and very raw and it is very normal that you are taking things one day at a time. Grieving is a natural response to losing someone you love, and there are no right or wrong ways to grieve. It is important that you let yourself grieve and mourn as long as you need to. Many people have told us that talking about how they are feeling helps, and although we are not trained counsellors on the Support Line we are able to provide a listening ear and emotional support.


    It may help you to understand your feelings by reading through the following information: Please remember that the Support Line is open every day over the Christmas period (opening times can be found here:


    Best Wishes




    Marie Curie Support Line 

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