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    My name is Ruth and I am 65. Last year I was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis. No one can give me a prognosis but the average survival time is 3-5 years following diagnosis. My initial reaction was total acceptance which in retrospect was denial. My family think I am dealing with it ok but I am struggling to deal with my feelings. I spoke to my gp who suggested counselling but there is none available free. All I can think of is that I will die of suffocation which terrifies me. I try to be positive but I have no close friends to talk to. I want to talk about end of life options but cannot discuss with my family as that would just upset them. I tried to contact a local PF support group but got no response. I don't know where to turn.

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  • clairebear

    Hi Ruth, I'm sorry but I can't claim to know much about this disease, but I had to comment because you sound so alone and upset....there is a website I've found I'm not sure if it will help you or not, but there is a link on there for you to put your postcode in and it will tell you of the nearest support group in your area I hope this helps? this is the website good luck and let me know if it's of any help to you. Also I would honestly talk to your family I am in a similar situation a family member of mine has a terminal illness and we struggle to bring it up with him because we don't know if he wants to talk about it, but I bet inside that's all he I think your family and friends are scared to broach the subject with please even though it's hard, start the conversation you will feel so much relief I promise you...good luck and if you want to let me know how you get on...

    all the very best claire

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