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    3 replies

    My mum has lymphoma and it was very advaced when found as she hid it from us ,she has agrophbia and cant leave the house so refuses treatment,I feel we should respect her wishes and so does my brother,my dad on the other hand has become angry and says she must go,am I wrong to say ,mum im on your side and what ever you choose to do I will support you ? I dont think she has much time left and would rather she was comfortable at home,thoughts and advice please ?

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  • Buckup

    Hi. Sorry to hear about your Mum. My partner has just had a terminal diagnosis on diabetes which is out of controle along with numerous health problems related to that, He is in denial and its a very tricky one. I agree with your u your u should respect her wishes BUT you are looking on it as a daughter and not,a husband who is facing loosing the woman he loves. He wants her to do everything possible and she doesnt want to. Tricky but I have actually decided and said to my partner today its ok to have no more treatment its your decision. Yes u poor father must be in emotional agony , as am I, so treat min with kindless and love and try to slowly help him to see what Mum is choosing is her taking control of a situation of which she has no control. Does any of that make sence? Have courage to cope .xx

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  • Buckup

    Goodness my typing is bad sorry but just returned form the hospital so my emotions (and obviously my typing are al

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  • Jue64

    Thank you for your kind words,mum is very calm about all of this bless her,dad is on her side but of course hurting,thank you so much,I find it a comfort that other peope are in the same boat,thank you again xx

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