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  • Accepting my diagnosis



    1 reply

    I have been recently diagnosed with small cell lung cancer which has spread to my lymph nodes and abdomen, I was given months rather than years and I know I have a long way to go before accepting this it still feels like some kind of awful mistake and am clinging on to some kind of unrealistic u-turn to happen, I don’t know if this is a bad way of being because surely this can’t be a healthy way to cope with it. I am only 50 and have amazing children and grandchildren and husband where do I start trying to accept this in a more realistic way I can’t be helping anyone including myself?

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  • Brigette

    Hi Sarahmoore,

    Thank you for joining us on the community and sharing your diagnosis with us and others. From experience of talking with our callers it can take time to start to process thoughts and emotions having been given a new diagnosis. Many people tell us that talking things through can help them with this.

    I am hoping that others on the community who have had a similar experience will be able to respond and help you with this. But I wanted you to know that the Support Line is here to listen, offer you information and signposting if we  can help at all. You may find the video here helpful, as Paola shares her story.

    Best wishes

    Brigette- Support Line Officer 

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